Pedal Montclair

Keeps those wheels spinning

Montclair NJ's Pedal Montclair bike shop provides a one-of-a-kind, top quality service to riders hitting the streets of Montclair and the trails beyond. We're here to ensure our customers' safe rides and to help them reach their cycling goals. 

Ry Guy

Pedal Montclair: What do you ride?

Ryan: Pivot Switchblade (primary)... and RSD Mayor fat bike (lunchtime work rides/bad weather)... Haro hardtail for Daddy daycare rides... 

Pedal Montclair: Favorite places to ride? Why?

Ryan: SOMO because of the convenience... but Sedona AZ is the coolest place!

Pedal Montclair: Where would you go on your ultimate biking trip?

Ryan: Bucket list include Pisgah, Bentonville, Moab, anywhere else I should know about?  LMK?

Pedal Montclair: Advice to any newcomers?

Ryan: "It's almost all downhill from here"! HaHa

Pedal Montclair: Who's your favorite rider?

Ryan: I'm definitely a product of the "Lance effect" and was hooked on road biking in the mid-2000's... I took a 7 year hiatus from the sport only to come back hooked on MTB... but overall, Lance Armstrong is the man and I'm a huge fan...  

15 Midland Ave, Montclair NJ  973-746-3200